
Summer Solstice 2021 - Odemiin-giizis - Strawberry Moon

Odemiin-giizis - Strawberry Moon

The longest day of the year takes place during the Strawberry Moon. The strawberry or heart berry is the first gift from Mother Earth. When the moon cycle begins again, the berry that comes is Creator’s gift. This moon is called Mskomin Giizis, which means Raspberry Moon.

When you take that baby berry away from the mother plant, you look at it and it is meant for the babies – the animals and humans. In the centre of that gift of the berry is a natural sippy cup. The moon cycle has happened for thousands and thousands of years. This is the process of governance that came through the Creator’s Law.

Marilyn Capreol, Shawanaga First Nation Ojibway band member, Huron Robinson Treaty.