
Winter Solstice 2021


Winter Solstice design created by CRP Communications and Knowledge Mobilization Assistant and MSc Candidate, Heather Patterson.


“Kesikewiku’s” can be translated to mean “rivers starting to freeze time”, “ice starting time”, or “wintering time”. The word “kesik” is the Mi’kmaw word for winter, so this month is the beginning of the wintertime.

Winter is a time when nature goes to sleep. Not in a way that it’s no longer living or lively, but in a way that it rests, reflects, and prepares for new growth. Like a healthy sleep. Similarly, in November people prepare themselves for the quiet months.

The work of winter prep is over (preparing food and shelter), and in November and December, the spiritual process of slowing down begins. Storytellers start to tell stories, and they watch for who is listening and who will learn from the stories, as a means of assisting them on their learning journey (and spiritual path).

- Elder Albert Marshall (Mi'kmaw Nation, Unama’ki)