
Summer Solstice 2022



The ancient rock formations strewn about our landscapes have been constructed by the Beaver Bundle Owners, "Iiyaohkiimiiksi". We still visit, make offerings and sing our songs at these power places to bring all our voices together at significant times throughout the year.

The Summer Solstice - Niipó is the longest and most powerful day of the year for the Sun, Naapi Naató'si, is among us. The Sacred path of the Sun is strong and straight at the time of Summer Solstice, the rock formations are in alignment with this path.

The Songs of the Beaver Bundle are collectively referred to as: Kiisomainksskstsists - "Sun's Songs". They represent a unique relationship with: Spomiitapiiksi ("Above Beings" - cosmology) and Kinamyaanisstsipiiksiiksi ("land and water beings, including the ones that fly" - biodiversity). The Beaver Bundle Owners will count the moons by turning over a beaver stick for each of the thirteen moons. Now, is the moon of "Long Rains" or Miisaamsootamsta. The Beaver Bundle is our Blackfoot Biocultural baseline.

~Naatowawahkaahki - Holy Walking Woman - Paulette M. Fox (Blood Tribe / Kainai Nation)